Pillars of eternity the man who waits
Pillars of eternity the man who waits

pillars of eternity the man who waits

Right before you go for the final blow on Purnisc, he transforms into a wizard named Nyrid. Act passionately and then battle Purnisc and six Mercenaries.Keep pushing him for more info, because there’s something not right about his reaction, or lack thereof.Respond with, “No wonder Kaenra’s left you.”.Respond with, “You don’t recognize the wedding band you gave Kaenra?”.He doesn’t seem too enthused about the ring, and you have a few options. Hand over Kaenra’s Ring and buy some Svef if you want. Look right and walk into the room to find Purnisc. You’ll immediately see some drug addicts in rough shape, along with some mercenaries. Head to the northwest near the end of the marketplace and go inside Purnisc’s home.

pillars of eternity the man who waits pillars of eternity the man who waits

She thinks he’s addicted to Svef and then gives you a ring, otherwise known as Kaenra’s Ring. When you engage her in conversation, she says her fiancé, Purnisc, is up to no good and has some new buddies over the house. She has shiny hair to cover her facial injuries. When you are inside, walk over to the woman sitting at a round table near the fireplace. Head to Copperlane and visit the Goose and Fox Inn. Part 1: Consoling Kaenra in the Goose and Fox Inn With that out of the way, now it’s time to experience Act 2, with quests spread across such locations as Copperlane, Brackenbury and Dyrford Village. If you started playing, finish all of the Act 1 side quests in Gilded Vale. In addition to the main quest, the game features multiple side quests and tasks that let you delve deeper into this fantasy world, interacting with different NPCs and earning rewards for your trouble. Obsidian Entertainment’s epic Pillars of Eternity features six unique races to master (Dwarf and Godlike among them), 11 classes and a wealth of detailed locations to explore.

Pillars of eternity the man who waits